Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I think I left my brain at the Airport...

It took 17 hours for us to get home from Florida. We fly for free because my husband works for an airline which can be really nice, but sometimes you find yourself at various airports with no end in sight which is what happened to us this time.

We woke up at 5:00 am. Which was an hour later then we should have woken up because my ipod was still on mtn. time for some reason. But in a frantic mad dash we arrived at the airport on time (I was really glad I had all of us sleep in the clothes we were going to wear the next day.) But alas! The flight was oversold! And we didn't get on. So we decided to go eat. Here are two of my kids asleep at the airport restaurant. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Day at the Beach

We just spent a few days in Florida with my sister. We didn't go to Disneyworld or anything fancy. It was just a nice relaxing vacation... as relaxing as things can be with 7 children running around (my 4 and her 3 kids). But she told us to come back for another visit soon so I guess we didn't scare her too bad.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

For the love of Tray's

I love tray's. So fun, so simple, so versatile. Put one on a shelf, on a bed, on a table, in your bathroom to contain your junk.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Vintage Seed Packet Art

I saw some seed packets from the 1920's and I was in love. So I ordered some.
The website has lots of good stuff I will definitely be visiting it again.
I've been going for a cottage-type of look in our master bedroom.
Warm and comfortable and homey. But with touches of fun mixed in.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Place Belongs....

I need to remember this quote so I am writing it here...
I hope to make something out of this one day.

"A place belongs forever to whoever claims it hardest... wrenches it from itself, shapes it, renders it, loves it so radically that he remakes it in his own image." - Joan Diddon

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Handprint Pillows

I made these a few years ago for my kids. I heard the saying "Fingerprints get higher and higher and then they disappear." and it made me tear up. I love this time of my life being a stay-at-home-mom. I'm nervous about the future because I don't want to get a job one day, I want to stay here with my little ones and read stories and kiss cheeks and sweep rice up of the floor (which is what I need to do as soon as I'm finished here). But grow up they will, and I will have to grow up too I guess. But I love these pillows so I can remember the handprints when we all were still kids.

Blog with a purpose

I started a blog for my family... it didn't go very well. I am starting this blog in order to talk about the fun I have with my family and decorating my home. Already I'm tired and confused... this blogging stuff is complicated. I am overwhelmed with choosing backgrounds and layouts and adding pictures and why won't my header center itself like I told it too? *sigh* Maybe knowledge will come with practice and experience. Wish me luck! And if your reading this I have been successful in my blog endeavoring. If no one reads this... oh well just another wasted blog on the www :)