Monday, September 26, 2011

That's a Pretty Big Pumpkin

This is our first year having a "real" garden. I've attempted to plant stuff before... but those poor plants never stood a chance.

But this year, SUCCESS! We have loads of tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and... a big pumpkin.

A 40 pound pumpkin to be exact, it weights more then my 5 year old.

The kids are really excited about it so I took some pics and we had some fun with it.

T - he is 5 and this pumpkin is bigger then he is.

B- is 8 and I just love taking pictures of him because they are pretty funny.

C - will be 10 next month and he happily indulged me for pics.

J - is almost 12 and way too cool to have his picture taken with a pumpkin.
But I told him he could play computer games if he let me take pics.

Hopefully I will post more about this pumpkin and some of its siblings all carved for Halloween.

Just scroll up and glance through those again.....

This one is my fav I think.

I have STINKIN cute kids!

 - RM


  1. Yes you do. And that is a huge pumpkin.

  2. wow! how on earth did you manage to grow one THAT big?!?!

  3. @Jenni at Treacle and Ink We were just lucky. All we did was water it. I'm not a gardener so I'm pretty proud of it. Thanks ;-)

  4. ha ha.. soooooooo cute!! Love your pics!!


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