Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall Wreath and Aqua Door

This is my door decorated for fall....

Yes, I am aware that my front door is aqua. Some people don't understand why I painted my front door aqua.

If you don't understand, that's ok, I won't hold it against you.

(Ok, really I have one neighbor who thinks that I am completely crazy for doing this,
everyone else seems to like it.)

If you do understand, then we are truly kindred spirits. *wink*

I figure most people that look at these kind of blogs are kindred spirits.

The big pumpkin is real, more about that here. The little one is not real, but hopefully
I will be replacing it with a real one soon. :-)

I just made the wreath out of stuff I had laying around. But it was a little dangerous.

I didn't think grapevine wreaths had thorns... Ouch!

Thanks! - RM


  1. I clicked on this link because of the aqua front door! I think that this looks great! How fun to come home to such a welcoming and fun entry.

  2. @Megan @ Megity's Handmade Thank you I like it too. I guess you could say that I have one neighbor who thinks I'm out of my mind for painting my door that color but everyone else seems to like it.

  3. Wow, this is so pretty and I love the colour of your door!

  4. I'm oretty sure you have the prettiest door on your street! :) I LOVE the color!

    PS I have a $50 cash giveaway going on at my blog till Monday. Come by when you have a chance! :)

  5. I love the color of your door too! Looks great with the pumpkins you have beside it!

  6. How could anyone not love an aqua door?? Aqua is one of the best colors ever! Love the door, and your wreath is pretty, too!

  7. Your doorway looks beautiful and so ready for Fall! Would love if you would link these up to the Scatter Girls' Fall Front Porch Party going on now:

  8. What lovely colours.. love the colour of your door.. and the wreath and decor is gorgeous!!

  9. Just found your blog as a result of googling "aqua door". Love, love, love the color you selected for your front door and am hoping you will share the color. Thank you!

  10. What color exactly was this? (Color and company that made it?)


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