Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall Decorating - I'm at it again

I'm at it again, bustin out my red, orange and yellow things.

My mantel looks pretty much the same as it did last year,
so I won't show you that again.

Why change a good thing right?

But last year the piano in my front room was not so fabulously decorated.
I was able to remedy that this year.

I found that fantastic basket made of branches at a thrift shop for $2, SCORE!

The blue frames and the shutters were also thrift finds.
I just hit them with spray paint and a little sandpaper and now they are better then new.
The frames, pictures, shutters and candles have been up pretty much year round.
The pictures on the left are my grandparents and the ones on the right are of my wedding day.

I'm a little sentimental and I love having pictures of my family out on display.

The pumpkins and gourds in the basket are foam which I got at Michael's years ago.

I spray painted them various shades of neutral.
I took off the plastic stem and hot glued a little piece of a branch to the top.
How do I make the groves and cracks darker then the rest after painting it, you ask?

I cut a sleeve off of an old ruined t-shirt, dip a corner in a little wood stain and rub it on.
Wipe it off of the extra and repeat. Dip, rub, wipe, dip, rub, wipe.

The berries and little apples were in my "fall decorations" storage box.
But Hobby Lobby usually has a good selection of this kind of thing.

 I love orange berries.

I also love little birds.
One day maybe I will go around my house and take pictures of all my little birds.
There are a lot.

One day, I should also show you a few pictures of my wedding.
It was lovely.

But for now I have fall on the brain, especially since I had to wear a jacket this morning.
It will be 80 degrees later, but I love that "bite" in the air.

I also have the hiccups.
They are distracting me from what else I wanted to say in closing this post.

So until next time.... hic!


I linked up to the "It's Fall Ya'll" table link party at the Lettered Cottage


  1. I'm so glad to meet you today (from the Lettered Cottage party). {I'm also from a house of noise...I mean boys!:) Mine are all teenagers now.} Anyway, I love your creative arrangement, and especially love how you showed how to transform an orange pumpkin into a shabby chic one! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.

  2. Your piano looks great. I like to have my family photos out to enjoy too! So what if they tell us not to! It's our home, right? Great decor!


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