Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall Wreath and Aqua Door

This is my door decorated for fall....

Yes, I am aware that my front door is aqua. Some people don't understand why I painted my front door aqua.

If you don't understand, that's ok, I won't hold it against you.

(Ok, really I have one neighbor who thinks that I am completely crazy for doing this,
everyone else seems to like it.)

If you do understand, then we are truly kindred spirits. *wink*

I figure most people that look at these kind of blogs are kindred spirits.

The big pumpkin is real, more about that here. The little one is not real, but hopefully
I will be replacing it with a real one soon. :-)

I just made the wreath out of stuff I had laying around. But it was a little dangerous.

I didn't think grapevine wreaths had thorns... Ouch!

Thanks! - RM

Monday, September 26, 2011

That's a Pretty Big Pumpkin

This is our first year having a "real" garden. I've attempted to plant stuff before... but those poor plants never stood a chance.

But this year, SUCCESS! We have loads of tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and... a big pumpkin.

A 40 pound pumpkin to be exact, it weights more then my 5 year old.

The kids are really excited about it so I took some pics and we had some fun with it.

Soccer Days

Every Spring and fall I spend a tremendous amount of time here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I could "Fall" in love...

I love decorating for the fall.

The “Anne of Green Gables” in me comes out in me and I am not quite all here.
 I become "enraptured" in the gorgeous colors.

My imagination is taking me on walks through orange, red and yellow woods. I could just sit and gaze at the beauty of the changing season and be lost in my thoughts...

See I’m doing it now.

I love the crisp air, the warm days and cool nights. I love the colors especially. 

I do have to come back to earth sometimes. I have four little angels that keep me grounded here. *smile*

So I need to bring the beauty of autumn into my home.

Let's talk about my fall mantel.

**Update, this fall mantel was featured on Better Homes and Gardens website HERE**

Total dream come true!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Crates of Fun

Now that it's getting cooler I wanted something for our living room to keep blankets in.
I've had an old ugly crate sitting in the garage for awhile so I decided to use that.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sunburst Mirror Made out of Shims

I wanted a sunburst mirror to put over my mantel. But have you ever priced those babies? Yikes! So I saw a tutorial for one here. She did an awesome job so I decided to give it a go.

Friday, September 9, 2011

And they were all yellow...

When I was in Florida visiting my sister we built a corner shelf for her. Now, not everyone likes home DIY projects while on vacation, but I have never been normal.
(Just ask the people I went to high school with, they will all support my claim).

My sister had just moved to FL and needed some furniture. She was talking about a corner shelf for her living room and I jumped right in with the suggestion of making one out of a bi-fold closet door. She only looked at me like I was crazy for a few seconds before she caught right on and was intrigued by the idea. We are related after all, the same craziness is in her blood too...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

School Time

Last week my kids went back to school. A bittersweet time for me. I really do love having my children with me. I love school breaks and being able to do something fun and spend time together. I didn't have children so I could wish that they were gone all the time. But I must admit that there have been times this summer (minutes, hours, days...) when they were driving me and each other crazy and I looked at my calendar counting the days until school. I can't be supermom all the time and fill each day with so much fun and pleasure that they have no time to fight. (Honestly we didn't even have ONE of those days) They pick on each other the most when they're bored, when they're tired, when their blood sugar is low, when they loose, when they win, when the moon is waxing and when it's waning. So basically all the time. 

I am told that this is pretty normal behavior for boys.
I was never a boy, but I was a pretty ornery girl so I can believe it.
(My husband is scoffing at the was part.... "Ehem. Don't you mean am instead?")

But all in all, I have a hard time with my children growing up.

Does that mean I have to grow up too? Maybe one day I will have to have a job and be serious and not paint, read, bake, hug, kiss and snuggle all day. I'll have to go see "grown up" movies and I will check out books from the "grown up" section of the library instead of reading from the young adult section all the time. I won't be able to buy that cheesy song that's the latest radio hit and claim that I bought it for the kids. I will bake cookies and there will be no one to eat them.... *sniff, sniff*

I'd better stop now before get myself all worked up over something
that will happen sooner then I want it to, but still not for 13ish years.

Despite how much I wish they would stay little longer they want to grow. So grow they will and grow they must. And they certainly are growing into fine and handsome young men. And that is the most important thing. And the most important thing I will ever do is give the world four good men.

So here we are at the new crossroads in their lives each year. And they are eager to face it.

C- in fourth grade

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm stuck

T - got a toy taken away from him, I put it on the fridge so he couldn't reach it. He thought he'd try and get it down himself, but he got stuck. I thought it would be good for him to stand there like that while the whole family laughed at him and took pictures.
That kind of stuff builds character right?
- Love RM